Male Violence is The Enemy
Hey, guys, I get it. As much as any lady can, I sympathize. Being A Man is a big freaking deal. Men are kinda nuts.
And the way they get mythologized creates an impossible standard!
*Forced Into the Butch Box*
If you are just not much of a hard ass, if you find yourself drawn to the lighter side of life, you may also find yourself targeted by the Man Police. They are regular guys, your friends, your boss, your teacher. Your Dad. Any or all of them may take it upon themselves to kick your ass if you step out of line.
I’m not going to dig into why that happens. It’s pretty foreign to me, and I truly don’t mean to patronize you.
But this stuff is directly concerning to me because there are men of all ages who I love dearly. They are deeply affected by these things.
Patriarchy creates a world where a heart is a liability!
One of my oldest friends is a poet and an artist. He is also a hard motherfucker who is covered in tattoos and recovering from heroin addiction. Because of experiences he has referenced but never really told me about.
My husband is barely on speaking terms with his father, who had a habit of humiliating him in front of the old man’s friends for giggles.
My own father has never been able to maintain normal relationships with women. He has apparently wandered off into some scary corner of sexual sadism and I really don’t even want to know about it.
I have two sons and I take my responsibility to them very seriously. Who better to teach them that women are people? I actually get pretty upset sometimes when I see things written by lonely men who are frustrated by their lack of connection with women.
We don’t quite have it all together, either, you know!
*The Root of Misunderstanding*
They don’t understand that the question, “How do I relate to women?” is the basis of the problem.
You relate to a woman based on what you can observe about who she is as a person.
Women are people, with every personality configuration imaginable. Just like you.
You are also complex and that’s okay. Men are capable of some amazing things, that is undeniable. Being one of the good ones begins with approaching yourself and the rest of humanity with the understanding that we are all people first.
We all have some things in common…. Want some popcorn?
*Be Yourself, Darling!*
If you feel like you are most feminine person on this green Earth, you do you. I support you in throwing away all that toxic, judgemental garbage that has been polluting masculinity forever. Being A Man has nothing to do with what you wear and everything to do with how you behave.
Be a thoughtful, respectful person. It’s really very simple. Go about your business.
If you find yourself with some leftover passion, join us in trying to stop male violence.
That means starting with yourself, Carl!
Male violence is what kills transwomen. Feminist activists don’t kill people. Insecure, homophobic men kill people.
Male violence is everything from domestic abuse to mass shootings to war. It is the locker room bully. It is all those ironic motherfuckers who visited me this week and told me their suggested method for my death.
Love notes!
*Lead the Revolution!*
Male violence is the enemy of us all. Female, male, trans, all classes and races. It is caused by the isolation integral to toxic masculinity.
You could be the front lines of dismantling the system that you so clearly hate. Be A Man. On your terms. Don’t let them take that from you.
If this fictional asshole can be himself all over stage and screen for decades, you can do whatever you want!
*Regarding Being A Woman*
I am tired of debating who is a woman or what a woman is. That is a stupid waste of everyone’s time — We all know what we are talking about. To suggest that people are going around confused about the biological and potential reproductive nature of anyone’s body is absurd and I am not going to engage with that any more.
I’m tired of this song. Let’s try something new!
Be the femmiest man you can dream of. I will support you and cheer for you.
You are not a woman, honey, and that’s okay. Men can do great things. Go normalize your truth and fuck gender labels.
Love & Hugs,
- Sarah